Atomoxetine in the Management of Children with ADHD: Effects on Quality of Life and School Functioning


Brown Ronald T.1,Perwien Amy2,Faries Douglas E.2,Kratochvil Christopher J.3,Vaughan Brigette S.3


1. Temple University, Department of Public Health

2. Eli Lilly Pharmaceuticals

3. University of Nebraska Medical Center, Department of Psychiatry


The purpose of this study was to examine in a controlled trial the effects of atomoxetine on the management of attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) symptoms and functional impairments at school and at home. Participants were 153 children (age 8 to 12 years) diagnosed with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder who were randomized to double-blind treatment with either atomoxetine (n = 101) or placebo (n = 52). Findings revealed significant improvements both for parent and teacher ratings of behavior for children receiving atomoxetine therapy. Children also were reported to evidence a trend toward better response to active medication than to placebo for health-related quality of life as rated by parents. No significant effects were revealed for the teacher ratings of academic productivity. Data were interpreted to provide support for the efficacy of atomoxetine on the symptoms associated with ADHD. The effects of atomoxetine on other functional outcomes including academic performance and health-related outcomes are of interest, albeit less compelling for this particular investigation, than for the effects on overt symptom display.


SAGE Publications


Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health







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