1. Department of Surgery, Providence Hospital and Medical Centers, Southfield, Michigan
The field of postgraduate minimally invasive surgery training has undergone substantial growth and change. A survey was sent to all program directors in surgery. Minimally invasive training patterns, facilities, their views, and performance of residents were examined. Ninety-five directors (38%) responded to the questionnaire. Of these, 51 per cent (n = 48) had a program size of three to four residents and 33 per cent (n = 31) had a program size of five to six residents. In 3 per cent of programs (n = 3), residents could not achieve the minimum Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education required numbers for advanced laparoscopic cases. Only 47 per cent of programs (n = 45) had dedicated rotations in minimally invasive surgery, ranging from 2 to 11 months. Up to 10 per cent (n = 9) of program directors felt that the current training in minimally invasive surgery was insufficient. Fifty-five per cent (n = 52) felt that laparoscopic adhesiolysis was an advanced laparoscopic procedure, and 33 per cent (n = 31) felt that there should be a separate minimum requirement for each of the commonly performed basic and advanced laparoscopic cases by Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education. Fifty-six per cent (n = 53) of programs were performing robotic surgery. Minimally invasive surgery training for surgical residents needs to increase opportunities so that they are able to perform laparoscopic procedures with confidence. There should be specific number requirements in each category of individual basic and advanced laparoscopic procedures.
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8 articles.