Purpose and prospects for the development of cyberphysical systems for technoligical processes


Peshkin Kirill S.


The article is devoted to a new way of organizing production that is actively developing in the conditions of the industry's information transformation associated with the introduction of cyber-physical systems. Market analysis shows a positive trend in the growth of capitalization of this industry, indicating the widespread use of digital transformation tools for production and increased investment in the development of information technologies, including the creation and implementation of cyber-physical systems. The article analyzes the existing definitions of "cyber-physical systems" and "cyber-physical complexes." It also reveals the concept of a cyber-physical control system for the technological processes" and describes its main structure. The cyber-physical control system is considered a number of interconnected subsystems that perform strictly defined functions. The article presents a description of each of these subsystems, a generalized scheme of their hierarchical connections, and interactions. The article also considers the role of cyber-physical control systems in the information transformation of the industry and discusses the prospects for their future development.


Samara State Technical University


General Medicine

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