A Study on the Levels of Adoption of Cyberculture and Global Citizenship among Social Studies Teacher Candidates






The research utilized the descriptive survey model, a quantitative research method, with a study group consisting of 172 social studies teacher candidates (131 females, 41 males). As data collection tools in the study, the Cyberculture Adoption/Development Level Scale developed by Koçak (2019) and the global citizenship scale (Global Citizenship Scale –GCS) developed by Morais and Ogden in 2010 were used. The Turkish adaptation, validity, and reliability study of the global citizenship scale was conducted by Tutkun (2019). In addition, a personal information form prepared by the researcher was used. The data analysis involved the use of the Independent Samples t-test, to determine the relationship between participants' scores on the cyber culture adoption level scale and the global citizenship level scale concerning the gender variable. For situations where differentiation was observed based on class, social media usage purpose and internet usage frequency, the One-Way ANOVA was employed for unrelated Samples. The findings of the research indicate that there is no statistically significant difference in the levels of cyberculture adoption and global citizenship among teacher candidates concerning gender and class variables. When examining the variable of social media usage purpose, a statistically significant difference is observed in the global citizenship levels of teacher candidates. In contrast, no statistically significant difference is found in the levels of cyberculture adoption. Regarding the daily internet usage duration variable, no impact is observed on the global citizenship levels of teacher candidates. In contrast, a statistically significant difference is found in the levels of cyberculture adoption.


International e-Journal of Educational Studies

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