The assessment of purchasing powerof Kazakhstan population in the food and drink market


Suieubayeva S. N.1,Kozlova M. V.1,Kabdulsharipova A. M.1


1. D. Serikbaev East Kazakhstan State Technical University


Food consumption indicators include one of the most important features of the population's quality of life are included in the system of generalizing indicators of socio-economic development of the country and are an integral basis of human life. The quality and structure of food products consumed affect the health of the country's population, determining its economic and food security. The article analyzes the food market of the Republic of Kazakhstan, examines the main trends in its development. A comparison of changes in the price level and real wages is made, and as a result, it is concluded that the price growth indicators exceed the increase in average incomes of the population. Dependence on imports of a large list of food products, the depreciation of tenge against the US dollar, while prices increased, led to a decrease in the purchasing power of the population over the period 2015-2019. In conclusion, the importance of public policies for achieving an optimal level of food balance is emphasized. It is important to implement a policy of stimulating the production of domestic analogues of foreign goods, opening processing enterprises, and developing innovative technologies. To increase the economic availability of food, it is important to take measures aimed at increasing the production of food raw materials and food products within the country. The growth of market offers will lead to stabilization and reduction of prices for them, therefore, to an increase in the purchasing power of the population.


Turan University


General Medicine

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