On the issue of assessing the productivity of spraying agricultural crops with unmanned aerial vehicles


Kovalev I.V., ,Kovalev D.I.,Astanakulov K.D., , ,


The article discusses the issue of assessing the performance of spraying agricultural crops with unmanned aerial vehicles. UAV performance calculation model is proposed based on the time structure of the crop spraying process, including spraying, replenishment and flight times. It is noted that in order to calculate the theoretical productivity, it is necessary to establish the lengths of the areas to be sprayed using a UAV. It has been shown that the performance of various types of plant protection UAVs increases with increasing site length. There is a recommended span length and number of configurable models for different UAV application approaches. The proposed approach can significantly help agricultural enterprises using UAVs for spraying plants, optimize the structure of the equipment used, and provide methods for assessing the efficiency of UAV operation. Based on the proposed assessment, recommendations are formed for the selection of UAVs for spraying agricultural crops and a basis is created for planning transport and technological cycles of UAVs in precision agriculture.


Krasnoyarsk Science and Technology City Hall

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