1. The Mental Health Research Centre», Moscow, Russian Federation
Taking into account the modern understanding of the multifactorial nature of mental pathology, an integrated approach to helping these patients determines the need for psychosocial rehabilitation, in addition to clinical therapy. For child and adolescent psychiatry, the issue of structuring psychosocial rehabilitation seems particularly relevant (due to the severity of the outcomes of child and adolescent mental illnesses) and poorly studied. The purpose of this work was to analyze the results of practical activities on social rehabilitation of minor patients, with the formation of proposals for comprehensive support for these patients in the outpatient network. The study material was a cohort of 1203 patients (m. - 914 (76%), female - 289 (24%)) who initially applied to a psychoneurological clinic in childhood and adolescence. They were followed clinically and follow-up until adulthood (catamnesis was carried out upon reaching the age of 23-25 years (1095 patients - 91%)). Research methods: clinical-psychopathological, psychometric, clinical-follow-up, statistical. Results: Based on the results of the clinical follow-up study, it could be concluded that medical and social assistance to minor patients should be reformatted in the direction of more active identification of initial mental disorders; During the initial contact, it is necessary to build trusting relationships with relatives and the patients themselves, and engage in their psychoeducation. The issues discussed with relatives are similar to those that are subsequently discussed with teenagers. The topic is dealt with in an individually adapted manner for each interlocutor. Identification and discussion with parents of the most problematic areas of the child’s life should culminate in the development of rehabilitation programs to develop lost or undeveloped daily functioning skills. Conclusion: In general, achieving highly functional clinical and social remission in patients suffering from early mental disorders is a complex problem, the final solution of which is associated with future achievements in a number of areas of clinical and social sciences. At the present stage, it is necessary to apply a systematic approach and use the advanced achievements of modern clinical and social psychiatry.
General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science
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