
Y.A. Mezentsev1ORCID


1. Belgorod state national research University, Belgorod, Russian Federation


Of course, aging is a normal physiological process of the body's extinction, while there are no unambiguously effective methods that completely stop it. However, premature aging in some ways goes beyond the norm, because with an increase in the quality and duration of life, people have a younger appearance than their ancestors at their same age. Most of all, the external signs of premature aging are expressed on the face, which is becoming a widespread problem, and a comprehensive study of this aspect is one of the burning issues of modern medical science. Goal. The study of recent studies highlighting the problem of premature aging, as well as exogenous and endogenous risk factors. The mechanisms of the development of premature aging have a multifactorial basis. The prerequisites for the development of premature aging of the face were studied, the most significant exogenous and endogenous factors that increase the risk of this pathology were considered; risk groups were identified. An analysis of past and current studies has shown that in order to predict and prevent premature aging, a variety of both conjugate and independent indicators should be taken into account. As a result of consideration of factors of various nature, unambiguous mechanisms of premature aging have not yet been established. In the future, it is necessary to study in depth the problem of early aging, as well as the relationship of all risk factors among themselves.


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