1. M. K. Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University, Yakutsk, Russian Federation.
Chronic viral hepatitis B is a significant public health problem. Hepatitis virus carrier factors affect the course of chronic hepatitis B and odds of progression to liver cirrhosis. So, the research for the early development genetic predictors of complications of chronic hepatitis B is relevant. NOS3 and CYBA genes can act as predictor genes for early fibrotic processes in the liver. Researches confirm the role of oxidative stress and the mechanisms of cellular aging in the development of liver fibrosis. The purpose of this study is to identify the relationship between the carriage of polymorphisms of the NOS3 and CYBA genes and the development of liver fibrosis in patients with chronic viral hepatitis B in the Yakut population. Molecular genetic study of SNPs rs1799983 and rs1801131 of the NOS3 gene, rs4673 of the CYBA gene was carried out on 417 people. The collection of representative material was carried out on the basis of the Infectious Diseases Department of the Yakut Republican Clinical Hospital and the NEFU Clinic. As a result of a genetic study, it was found that in carriers of the mutant allele for the rs1799983 polymorphism of the NOS3 gene, the probability of developing liver cirrhosis is 1.81 times higher (0.176–0.098, CI 95%,), in carriers of the rs4673 mutant allele of the CYBA gene, the probability of developing liver cirrhosis is higher by 1.9 times (0.211–0.111, CI 95%), in carriers of the mutant allele for the rs2070744 polymorphism of the NOS3 gene, the probability of developing liver cirrhosis is 2.03 times higher (0.181–0.089, CI 95%). Thus, the obtained results indicate the need for additional studies of these genes, since they can be predictors of the development of liver cirrhosis in patients with chronic viral hepatitis B in the Yakut population.
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