Multi-image, reverse time, and Kirchhoff migrations with compact Green’s functions


Cunha Carlos1,Ritter Gerson2ORCID,Sardinha Alexandre2ORCID,Dias Bruno Pereira2ORCID,Guerra Claudio2ORCID,Thedy Fernanda2ORCID,Hargreaves Nelson2ORCID,Coacci Rodrigo2ORCID


1. Petrobras, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. (corresponding author)

2. Petrobras, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.


Using compact representations of Green’s functions we derive a common framework for reverse time migration (RTM) and Kirchhoff migration. These compact Green’s functions (CGFs) are 3D volumes containing traveltimes and amplitudes for the N most representative events in the upcoming/downgoing decomposed 4D wavefields originating from a point source. Within this framework, we implement an RTM algorithm using a multivalued excitation time/amplitude imaging condition. This new approach produces four complementary imaging volumes (different combinations of source and receiver decomposed wavefields) and angle/azimuth gathers with computational effort less than 15% greater than that of plain (one image and no gathers) RTM algorithms. The advantages of separating the image volume into four complementary volumes are well established in the literature (low-frequency noise separation and turning wave imaging); however, its use has been limited by the computational cost. Despite using two source propagations to decompose the source wavefield, we reduce the computations to less than 20% of a single source propagation by performing finite-difference propagation with half the frequency limit used in the receiver wavefield propagation. The combination of CGF and an excitation time/amplitude imaging condition allows receiver wavefield decomposition with only one wavefield propagation. Our RTM algorithm constructs angle/azimuth gathers using a postmigration computation of the source and receiver wavefield’s propagation directions. To compute the propagation directions after migration, we use a new concept: the cumulative wavefield volumes, which are 3D, imaging-condition-guided compressions, of the 4D source and receiver wavefields. We also use CGF to implement a Kirchhoff migration algorithm that produces four complementary image volumes with RTM-like quality. Furthermore, we present synthetic and field data examples to clarify the new concepts and illustrate the results obtained using these methods.


Society of Exploration Geophysicists


Geochemistry and Petrology,Geophysics

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