Submarine cable positioning using a residual convolutional neural network based on magnetic features


Liu Yutao1ORCID,Wu Yuquan2,Huang Liang3,Yang Lei4,Kuang Jianxun5,Yu Wenjie5,Wang Jianqiang6,Xu Zhe7,Li Gang8


1. Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Software, National Key Laboratory of Space Integrated Information System, Beijing, China.

2. Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Software, National Key Laboratory of Space Integrated Information System, Beijing, China. (corresponding author)

3. Zhejiang University, Department of Marine Sciences, Zhoushan, China.

4. Zhejiang Institute of Marine Geology Survey, Zhoushan, China.

5. Zhejiang Qiming Offshore Power Co., Ltd, Zhoushan, China.

6. Zhejiang Institute of Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology, Ningbo, China.

7. Zhejiang Engineering Survey and Design Institute Group Co., Ltd, Ningbo, China.

8. Zhejiang University, Department of Marine Sciences, Zhoushan, China and Zhejiang University, Hainan Institute, Sanya, China. (corresponding author)


Accurate positioning is important for improving the efficiency of repairing submarine cables and reducing the related repair costs. The magnetic anomaly produced by a submarine cable can be used to estimate its vertical and horizontal positions. A novel approach using magnetic data for estimating the position of submarine cables based on the 1D residual convolutional neural network (RCNN) is investigated. Infinitely long ferromagnetic cylinder models with different parameters are used to generate data sets for model training and testing. Tests on noisy synthetic data sets show that the developed 1D RCNN method can capture detailed features related to the magnetic source position information, which is more accurate than the conventional Euler method in estimating the position of submarine cables. The developed 1D RCNN method has also been successfully applied to processing field data. Furthermore, the processing workflow of our 1D RCNN method is less noise-sensitive compared with the conventional Euler method. The proposed 1D RCNN method and its workflow open a new window for estimating the position of submarine cables using magnetic data.


Zhejiang Institute of Marine Geology Survey of China

Geological Special Funds of China for Comprehensive Geological Survey of Zhejiang Province Coastal Zone

National Natural Science Foundation of China


Society of Exploration Geophysicists

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