The essentially tame local Langlands correspondence, I


Bushnell Colin,Henniart Guy


Let F F be a non-Archimedean local field (of characteristic 0 0 or p p ) with finite residue field of characteristic p p . An irreducible smooth representation of the Weil group of F F is called essentially tame if its restriction to wild inertia is a sum of characters. The set of isomorphism classes of irreducible, essentially tame representations of dimension n n is denoted G n e t ( F ) \mathcal {G}^\mathrm {et}_n(F) . The Langlands correspondence induces a bijection of G n e t ( F ) \mathcal {G}^\mathrm {et}_n(F) with a certain set A n e t ( F ) \mathcal {A}^\mathrm {et}_n(F) of irreducible supercuspidal representations of G L n ( F ) \mathrm {GL}_n(F) . We consider the set P n ( F ) P_n(F) of isomorphism classes of certain pairs ( E / F , ξ ) (E/F,\xi ) , called “admissible”, consisting of a tamely ramified field extension E / F E/F of degree n n and a quasicharacter ξ \xi of E × E^\times . There is an obvious bijection of P n ( F ) P_n(F) with G n e t ( F ) \mathcal {G}^\mathrm {et}_n(F) . Using the classification of supercuspidal representations and tame lifting, we construct directly a canonical bijection of P n ( F ) P_n(F) with A n e t ( F ) \mathcal {A}^\mathrm {et}_n(F) , generalizing and simplifying a construction of Howe (1977). Together, these maps give a canonical bijection of G n e t ( F ) \mathcal {G}^\mathrm {et}_n(F) with A n e t ( F ) \mathcal {A}^\mathrm {et}_n(F) . We show that one obtains the Langlands correspondence by composing the map P n ( F ) A n e t ( F ) P_n(F) \to \mathcal {A}^\mathrm {et}_n(F) with a permutation of P n ( F ) P_n(F) of the form ( E / F , ξ ) ( E / F , μ ξ ξ ) (E/F,\xi )\mapsto (E/F,\mu _\xi \xi ) , where μ ξ \mu _\xi is a tamely ramified character of E × E^\times depending on ξ \xi . This answers a question of Moy (1986). We calculate the character μ ξ \mu _\xi in the case where E / F E/F is totally ramified of odd degree.


American Mathematical Society (AMS)


Applied Mathematics,General Mathematics

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