The landscape of L-functions: degree 3 and conductor 1


Farmer David,Koutsoliotas Sally,Lemurell Stefan,Roberts David


We extend previous lists by numerically computing approximations to many L-functions of degree d = 3 d=3 , conductor N = 1 N=1 , and small spectral parameters. We sketch how previous arguments extend to show that for very small spectral parameters there are no such L-functions. Using the case ( d , N ) = ( 3 , 1 ) (d,N) = (3,1) as a guide, we explain how the set of all L-functions with any fixed invariants ( d , N ) (d,N) can be viewed as a landscape of points in a ( d 1 ) (d-1) -dimensional Euclidean space. We use Plancherel measure to identify the expected density of points for large spectral parameters for general ( d , N ) (d,N) . The points from our data are close to the origin and we find that they have smaller density.


American Mathematical Society

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