Arithmetic properties of projective varieties of almost minimal degree


Brodmann Markus,Schenzel Peter


We study the arithmetic properties of projective varieties of almost minimal degree, that is of non-degenerate irreducible projective varieties whose degree exceeds the codimension by precisely 2 2 . We notably show, that such a variety X P r X \subset {\mathbb P}^r is either arithmetically normal (and arithmetically Gorenstein) or a projection of a variety of minimal degree X ~ P r + 1 \tilde {X} \subset {\mathbb P}^{r + 1} from an appropriate point p P r + 1 X ~ p \in {\mathbb P}^{r + 1} \setminus \tilde {X} . We focus on the latter situation and study X X by means of the projection X ~ X \tilde {X} \rightarrow X .

If X X is not arithmetically Cohen-Macaulay, the homogeneous coordinate ring B B of the projecting variety X ~ \tilde {X} is the endomorphism ring of the canonical module K ( A ) K(A) of the homogeneous coordinate ring A A of X . X. If X X is non-normal and is maximally Del Pezzo, that is, arithmetically Cohen-Macaulay but not arithmetically normal, B B is just the graded integral closure of A . A. It turns out, that the geometry of the projection X ~ X \tilde {X} \rightarrow X is governed by the arithmetic depth of X X in any case.

We study, in particular, the case in which the projecting variety X ~ P r + 1 \tilde {X} \subset {\mathbb P}^{r + 1} is a (cone over a) rational normal scroll. In this case X X is contained in a variety of minimal degree Y P r Y \subset {\mathbb P}^r such that codim Y ( X ) = 1 \operatorname {codim}_Y(X) = 1 . We use this to approximate the Betti numbers of X X .

In addition, we present several examples to illustrate our results and we draw some of the links to Fujita’s classification of polarized varieties of Δ \Delta -genus 1 1 .


American Mathematical Society (AMS)


Geometry and Topology,Algebra and Number Theory

Reference29 articles.

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