Using Statistical Methods for Analysis of the Implementation of Reforms of the New Ukrainian School


Horna М O.ORCID,Ishchuk Ya. V.ORCID


Methods of statistical analysis, in particular sample surveys to monitor implementation of the New Ukrainian School, are analyzed in the article. The topical issues that need to be addressed in evaluating secondary education reforms are outlined: the attitude of teachers belonging to all age categories to the reform of the New Ukrainian School, the accessibility and effectiveness of professional development courses, the readiness to develop new educational programs, and the material equipment of classrooms depending on the type of area (urban or rural). The aim of the article is to obtain relevant statistical data on education and sup up the experience of monitoring studies in education using a combination of statistical methods. The article is based on general scientific methods: analysis and synthesis, comparisons, analysis of contingency tables, graphical method, etc. The correlation between the teacher’s age and his/her attitude to reform, the teacher’s training and retraining and his/her ability and desire to master new teaching methods, material support of the educational process and the type of area was analyzed. The hypotheses about the correlation of variables and the agreement of the respondents’ opinions were tested. The practice of implementing monitoring studies to meet the demands of administrations in analytical information on education is discussed. It is emphasized that more effective statistical and information technologies, forms and methods of statistical observations, including special and sample surveys, need to be used in statistical studies as an alternative to the traditional reporting. The need for elaborating methodological and organizational issues in plans of particular surveys with consideration to information support and advanced Internet, information & communication and digital technologies is highlighted. The end result of the study is to obtain statistically reliable data for analysis which results will enable to formulate conclusions and recommendations for actors of the educational process. The produced information can be useful for education authorities as the basis for taking administrative decisions.


National Academy of Statistics Accounting and Audit

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