The article reveals the peculiarities of modern warfare and the use of inter-mission groups in it, and also considers the increasing role of the use of automated military systems and various information, reconnaissance, strike systems and other means of inter-mission groups in the conduct of hostilities.
The article reveals the necessity of solving the problem of management of the project on creation of network-centric military systems as complicated organizational-technical systems and reveals the conceptual provisions to be taken into account when realizing such a project.
It is shown that the main and determinative moment at management of the project of such systems creation, should be the planned rational execution of a certain quantity of works on their creation with account of the following requirements: observance of terms of their performance, application of principles of parsimony, realization of a necessary level of quality of the system.
It is advisable to use this material both for the managerial personnel and research officers of armed forces, who perform activities on scientific and technical support of processes of design and development of network-centric control systems of military purposes.
State Scientific Research Institute of Armament and Military Equipment Testing and Certification
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