1. Agassiz, E.C, 1887. Louis Agassiz, His Life and Correspondence. Houghton, Mifflin et Co., Boston.
2. Baron, W.R., 1988. Historical Climates of the Northeastern United States, p. 29-46. In GP. Nicholas, edit., Holocene Human Ecology in Northeastern North America. Plenum Press, New York.
3. Biggar, H.P., edit., 1924. The Voyages of Jacques Cartier. Publication 11, Public Archives, Ottawa.
4. Boucher, P., 1664. Histoire véritable et naturelle des moeurs et productions du pays de la Nouvelle-France vulgairement dite le Canada. F. Lambert, Paris.
5. Boughner C. C. et Thomas, M.K. 1974. Le climat du Canada. Ministère des Transports, Toronto.