1. ANNERSTEN, L. J. (1964): Investigations of Permafrost in the vicinity of Knob Lake, 1961-62, McGill Sub-Arctic Research Paper 16. p. 51-143.
2. BONNLANDER. B. and MAJOR-MAROTHY, G. M. (1957): Report on Permafrost Investigations, 1956-57, Internal Report of the Iron Ore Co. of Canada.
3. BROWN, R. J. E. (1970): Permafrost in Canada: Its Influence on Northern Development, Univ. of Toronto Press.
4. DOBRIN, M. (1960): Introduction to Geophysical Prospecting, McGraw-Hill, 2nd ed.
5. DUBNIE, A. (1972): Northern mining problems with particular reference to unit operations in permafrost, Techn. Bull. TB 148 of the Mining Research Centre-EMR