1. Bailey, John. 1990. John Blacking and his Place in Ethnomusicology. Yearbookfor Traditional Music 22: xii-xxi.Blacking, John. 1973. How Musical Is Man? Seattle: University of WashingtonPress.__________ . 1974. Venda Music. Seattle: University of Washington Press. [Setof audio tapes with notes to accompany How Musical Is Man?]Donnan, Hastings. 1991. The Struggle Against Ignorance: John Blacking Remembered.Journal of Comparative Family Studies 22: 269-272.Howard, Keith. 1991. John Blacking: An Interview Conducted by Keith Howard.Ethnomusicology 35: 55-76.Kippen, James. 1990. In Memoriam: John Blacking (1928-1990), a PersonalObituary. Ethnomusicology 34: 263-270.Sadie, Stanley, ed. 1988. Sachs, Curt. TheNortonIGrove Concise Encyclopediaof Music, Pp. 651-652. New York: Norton.