Landscape zoning of Skole`s Beskydy


Burianyk Olesya1,Melnyk Anatoliy1


1. Ivan Franko National University of Lviv


Historical overview of the development of physical-geographical regionalization of Ukrainian Carpathians and the evolution of ideas about the place and borders of Skole’s Beskydy are shown. According to zoning schemes of Ukrainian Carpathians (Herenchuk, Koynov, Tsys, 1964; Tsys, 1968; Miller, Fedirko, 1990; Miller, 1999; Marinich et al., 2009; Hiletskyy, 2012) Skole’s Beskydy are treated as separate landscape area that consists of landscapes. Based on comparative analysis of physical and geographic (landscape) zoning schemes of Skole’s Beskydy, the results of own landscape mapping of the area in the scale of 1:50 000, modern specific maps (topographic, tectonic, geological etc.) and satellite images, Southwestern border of landscape area is specified. A new more detailed scheme of division of the territory on landscapes is proposed. The basis of the proposed landscape zoning of Skole’s Beskydy is zoning by A. Melnyk (1999). The criteria for landscapes defining were: the unity of the geological foundation, connectedness with their morphological structure of the lowest order, restriction to certain relief macroforms (of entire mountain ranges) and the nature of their internal morphological structure (a combination of highaltitude areas and arrays). The scheme of landscape zoning of the area under investigation includes 32 landscapes. Key words: landscape, landscape zoning, Skole’s Beskydy, Ukrainian Carpathians.Tsaryk, L. P., & Tsaryk, P. L. (2008). Zakhidnopodilski Tovtry – unikalnyi pryrodnyi obiekt v umovakh neratsionalnoho pryrodokorystuvannia. Okhorona i menedzhment obiektiv nezhyvoi pryrody na zapovidnykh terytoriiakh: materialy mizhnarodnoi naukovopraktychnoi konferentsii. Hrymailiv–Ternopil: Dzhura, 310–317 (in Ukrainian).


Ivan Franko National University of Lviv

Reference21 articles.

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