Panslavismul sovietic - un oximoron ideologic în slujba politicii externe a Uniunii Sovietice (1941 - 1947)


,Rotari IurieORCID


The Bolshevik revolution of 1917 meant, among other things, the elimination of all the ideas that existed during the tsarist period. Among them was Russian Pan-Slavism, a doctrine inspired by the similar movement of the West Slavs that sought to incorporate all Slavic peoples into a single empire, ruled by the Russian Tsar. During the Great Stalinist Terror, the last remnants of all that Slavism meant were eradicated through the so-called "Process of the Slavists", as a result of which dozens of intellectuals who had or were suspected of having a connection with Slavic studies were subjected to repression. However, during the Second World War, the Soviet Union revived the idea of Pan-Slavism, partially shifting the ideological emphasis. In this regard, the All-Slavic Committee was created in Moscow. In the period 1941–1946, the organization played the role of a Soviet propaganda organ in the Slavic countries, especially among intellectuals. Towards the end of the war, the importance of the Committee decreased and it was abolished in 1947.


Bucovina Institute of the Romanian Academy

Reference31 articles.

1. "

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3. 2. Dostal, Marina, Бернштейн С. Б. Труды по истории славистики [Bernstein S. B. Contribuții la istoria slavisticii], Moskva, Институт славяноведения РАН, 2011, stories/pdf/2011_Bernshtejn.pdf.

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5. 4. Fomenko, Alexander, "Геополитика еврославизма" [Geopolitica euroslavismului], în "Политический класс", 2008, nr. 6 (42).







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