1. ^itzpatrick, E. J. "Spaceway. Providing Affordable and Versatile Telecommunication Solutions," Pacific Telecommunications Review, Sept. 1995.
2. 2Hughes Communications Galaxy, Inc. "Application of Hughes Communications Galaxy, Inc. For Authority to Construct, Launch and Operate Spaceway, a Global Interconnected Network of Geostationary Ka Band Fixed-Service Communications Satellites," Federal Communications Commission Filing, July 26,1994.
3. 3Hughes Communications Galaxy, Inc. "Application of Hughes Communications Galaxy, Inc. Before the Federal Communications Commission for Galaxy/Spaceway, A Global System of Geostationary Ka/Ku Band Communications Satellites. System Amendment," Federal Communications Commission Filing, Sept. 29,1995.
4. 4Lockheed Martin Corp. "Application of Lockheed Martin Corporation for Authority to Construct, Launch, and Operate a Global Ka-Band Communications Satellite System in Geostationary Orbit, 'Astrolink Communications Satellite System Application,'" Federal Communications Commission Filing, Sept. 27,1995.