1. z Global Local Seeding Seeding Fig. 1 Flow pathofthe2000-hpCompressorAerodynamicResearchLaboratoryfacility (CARL).
2. Fig. 8 Flow visualization for half period of the blade passagein front of the WG at 20 psec intervals for the 24 WG configuration at 75% span (a, c) and 90 % span (b, d) for Close-spacing (a, b) and Mid-spacing (c, d). Scale is 1:l except for b (2:l). Percentages at the top and bottom of the last frames of each set indicate the span of the laser sheet. Letter à'above vortices denotestheir downstream convection. e (c)2000 American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics or published with permission of author(s) and/or author(s)' sponsoring organization.'
3. Vel (m/s): 0 20 40 60 80 100 128 140 160 l802Wl220240 260 280 300