1. 2Herman,D.A.,Patterson,M.J.,andSoulas,G.S."NEXTLong-DurationTestPlumeandWearCharacteristicsafter17,200 h of Operation and 352 kg of Xenon Processed," AIAA Paper No. 2008-4919, 44th Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, Hartford, CT,July2008.
2. 3Herman, D. A., Patterson, M. J., and Soulas, G. S. "Performance Characteristics of the NEXT Long-Duration Test after 17,200 h of Operation and 352 kg of Xenon Processed," AIAA Paper No. 2008-4527, 44th Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit,Hartford, CT,July2008.
3. 4Herman, D. A., and Pinero, L. R. "NASA's EvolutionaryXenonThruster (NEXT) ComponentVerification Testing," AIAA Paper No.2008-4812, 44thJointPropulsion Conferenceand Exhibit, Hartford, CT,July2008.
4. 5Van Noord, J. L. and Herman, D. A. "Application of the NEXT Ion Thruster Lifetime Assessment to Mission Throttling," AIAAPaper No.2008-4526,44thJointPropulsion Conferenceand Exhibit,Hartford, CT,July2008.