1. Theflight testshavebeenperformed at theWVU Jackson's Millfacilitylocated approximately60 miles southof the main WVU campus in Morgantown WV. Setup trimconditions withinthe firstlap(s). Assesstheacceptableoperationofthe system withthecontroller"off". Turncontroller"on"and assessacceptableoperationofthe system. Proceedwiththe specifictestingscenario(testpilotinput, failureinjection). Incaseofa malfunction
2. The percentage reduction recorded for the STD of the roll rate TE and the maximum value of the TE square at nominal conditionsare listed inTable 1. Lateral stickdoublets were used as pilot inputs. The effect ofthe SP NN is marginal onthe roll channel. No average change isrecorded for the TE STD, and 7%reductionofthe maximumTE error square isrecorded. NLDI only→ Case #1 Case #2 Case #3 Case #1 Case #2 Case #3 NLDI+SP ↓ STD reduction [%] Maxerror2reduction [%] Case #1 -1 21 13 10 44 28 Case #2 -18 7 -2 -24 25 6 Case #3 -18 5 -8 -14 -5 -10 Table 1. PerformanceofSigmaPi-Based ControlLawson RollChannel- Nominal Conditions