1. G. Chemyi (( The inipact of electromagnetic energy addition to air near the flying body on its aerodynamic characteristics. (( Second Workshop on WIG, Proceeding. Norfolk, V. A, April 24-25. 1998.// G. Chernyi (( Energy release effect in areas of electric dwharge near bodies in airflow. (( Eight All-Russian Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. August 23-29. 2001 / Perni, Russia. p.594.
2. V. Levin. N. Afonina. V. Gromov. P. Georgievsky. L. Terentjeva (( Influence of Energy Input by Electric Discharge on Supersonic Flows Around Bodies H. 2"d Workshop on WIG, Proceeding, Norfolk, VAIApril, 24-25,1998
3. V. Bihrurin. A. Klimo\r,S. Leonov (( Assessment of a Concept of Advanced FlowFlight Control for Hypersonic Flights in Atmosphere. (( 3''' Workshop on WIG. November 1-5. 1999 / Norfolk. Virginia, AIAA 99-4820.