1. ICAO Doc 10001 Documentation for the session of the Assembly in 2013 Annual Report of the Council atistas, 2012
2. NEXTGEN The Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen) is the name given to a new National Airspace System due for implementation across the United States in stages between 2012 and 2025
3. CREDOS : Crosswind-Reduced Separations for Departure Operations, EU Project Program: FP6-AEROSPACE, Ref.: 30837,Start date: 2006-06-01, End date: 2009-11-30, Record Number: 81468
4. AWIATOR Project reference: G4RD-CT-2002-00836, Funded under: FP5-GROWTH
5. FAR WAKE Fundamental Research on Aircraft Wake Phenomena, EU project Funded under: FP6-AEROSPACE Ref.: 12238, Start date: 2005-02-01, End date: 2008-05-31