1. Anderson, ID.,Jr. "A Survey ofModern Research inHypersonic Aerodynamics", AIAA84-1578 (Invited Paper).
2. Blankson, I.M.;Lewis, M.;Pap, R. "Subsonic Experiments using theLoFlyteHypersonic Wave-Rider Vehicle", AIAA-98-1550.
3. Starkey, R.P.,Lewis, M.J. "A SimpleAnalytical Model for Parametric Studies of Hypersonic Wave-Riders", AIAA-98-1616.
4. Potter, J.L. "Transitional, Hypervelocity Aerodynamic Simulation and Scaling inLight of Recent Flight Data",AIAA-85-1028.
5. Buck, G.M., Blanchard, R.C. "Rarefied Aerodynamics andUpper AtmosphereDensity from Multiple Orbiter FlightMeasurements", AIAA-86-0269.