1. Lin,C.S., Van Dresar, N.T., Hasan, M.M. "A Pressure Control Analysis of Cryogenic Storage Systems,"AIAA Paper-91-2405,June 1991.
2. Burge, G.W. "System Effects on Propellant Storability and Vehicle Performance," McDonnell Douglas Report DAC-59314 (AFRPL-TR-66-258), October 1966.
3. DiStefano, E., Cady, E.G., Rangel, R.H."Fill of Screen Liquid Acquisition Devices in Low Gravity Using a Thermodynamic Vent System," McDonnell Douglas Report MDC91H1086,August 1991.
4. Lester, D., Warner, M. "Gossamer Baggie Torus," Final Report PL-TR-93-3040, Phillips Lab, EAFB,CA, February 1994. Acknowledgments The authors wish to thank theSolar Thermal Upper Stage Technology Demonstrator Consortiummembers; United Applied Technologies-Concentrator; Thiokol-Concentrator Supports; NASA MSFCAbsorber/Engine, LH2Feed System Testing; NASA LeRC-Flight Type LH2Tank, Component Testing; USAF-PL (Edwards)-Concentrator/Engine Testing; and the University of Alabama Huntsville-Uncertainty Analysis.