1. 1United States Department of Defense, Quadrennial Defense Review Report [Electronic Version], p.46, February6,2006. Retrieved August 26, 2006 fromhttp://www.defenselink.mil/qdr/.
2. 2UnitedStatesDepartmentofDefense,CongressionalReportontheNationalAerospaceInitiative[ElectronicVersion],p.4, Sept. 2004. RetrievedAug. 26, 2006 from http://www.dod.mil/ddre/doc/nai_congress_9-03rpt.pdf.
3. Hypersonic Propulsion - Transforming the Future of Flight
4. Building for the future - AEDC'S investment in hypersonic aeropropulsion T&E
5. Activation Testing and Lessons Learned During the Aerodynamic and Propulsion Test Unit Upgrade