1. The radiative eqirilibrium wall temperatures for the heating calculatio& of Fig. 3 are shown in Fig. 5. A value of 0.9 is used for char emissivity (E) in the present calculations. Similar to the surface heat transfer values, presknt fully catalytic wall predictions for surface temperature are in good agreement with those of Olynick, et a1.2. Reference 2 employed a value of 1.0 for 8, assuming zero reflectivity. Figure 5 shows recomputed Olynick's values with & = 0.9. Differences between the present predictions and those of Ref. 2 increase at a later time in the trajectory for the reasons mentioned earlier. For most of the investigated trajectory, the surface temperatures are greater than 3000 K. Consequently, the fully catalytic wall (FCW) boundary condition is physicalIy inappropriate since full recombination of air (for FCW boundary condition) cannot be forced for temperatures greater than about 2000 K. A physically appropriate surface recombination condition for these temperatures is a finite catalytic wall condition, which would be bounded by the ECW (most conservative) and the NCW boundary conditions. A maximum value of about 3800 K is obtained at t= 54 s for the present finite-rate results with an ECW wall condition. These results are close to those obtained with the equilibrium flowfield chemistry as expected. The noncatalytic wall (N'=`) calculations give the lowest surface temperatures As noted with the surface heating results of Fig. 3. Ablation ResultsAlone theTrajectorv with Eauilibrium Chemistry
2. See. Fig. 8;Profiles
3. STARDUST: Discovery's InterStellar dust and cometary sample return mission
4. Forebody TPS sizing with radiation and ablation for the Stardust Sample Return Capsule