1. 1D.L.Cauchon,"ProjectFireFlight1RadiativeHeatingExperiment,"NASATMX-1222,1966.
2. 2D. L. Cauchon, "Radiative Heating Results from the FIRE II Flight Experiment at Reentry Velocity 11.4 Kilometers per Second,"NASATM X-1402,1967.
3. 3R. C. Ried, Jr., W.C. Rochelle, and J.D. Milhoan, "Radiative Heating to the Apollo Command Module: Engineering Prediction and Flight Measurement,"NASA TM X-58091,1972.
4. 4D. B. Lee and W. D. Goodrich, "The Aerothermodynamic Environment of the Apollo Command Module During SuperorbitalEntry,"NASA TN D-6792,1972.
5. Implementation Of Radiation, Ablation, And Free Energy Minimization Modules For Coupled Simulations of Hypersonic Flow