1. LegendreR. “Flow in the Neighborhood of the Apex of a Highly Swept Wing at Moderate Incidences,” Aeronautical Research Council Rept. 16, London, 1954.
2. BrownC. E.MichaelW. H. Jr. “On Slender Delta Wings with Leading Edge Separation,” NASA TN 3430, 1955.
3. A theory of the flow past a slender delta wing with leading edge separation
4. Experimental Investigation of Influence of Edge Shape on the Aerodynamic Characteristics of Low Aspect Ratio Wings at Low Speeds
5. LambourneN. C.BryerD. W. “The Bursting of Leading-Edge Vortices–Some Observations and Discussion of the Phenomenon,” Aeronautical Research Council, R&M 3282, London, April 1961.