1. SmeltR.DaviesH. “Estimation of Increase in Lift due to Slipstream,” R&M 1788, Aeronautical Research Council, United Kingdom, 1937.
2. YoungA. D.MorrisD. E. “Note of Flight Tests on the Effect of Slipstream on Boundary Layer Flow,” R&M 1957, Aeronautical Research Council, United Kingdom, 1939.
3. YoungA. D.MorrisD. E. “Further Note of Flight Tests on the Effect of Slipstream on Boundary Layer Flow,” Rept. B.A. 1404b, Royal Aeronautical Establishment, United Kingdom, 1939.
4. ThompsonJ. S.SmeltR.DavisonB.SmithF. “Comparison of Pusher and Tractor Propeller Mounted on a Wing,” R&M 2516, Aeronautical Research Council, United Kingdom, 1940.
5. KuhnR. E.DraperJ. W. “Investigation of the Aerodynamic Characteristics of a Model Wing-Propeller Combination and of the Wing and Propeller Separately at Angles of Attack up to 90 deg,” NACA Rept. 1263, 1956.