1. Ref. 2
2. 0 present measurements of absolute OH number densities at 1 bar for several fuel equivalence ratios are compared with similar measurements in similar flames with Ref.8 and 9. It is noted that Cattolica^ measured a temperature of 2000 - 100 K and a peak number density of 25 x 1015molecules/cm3and Luck and Tsatsaronis9measured a slightly higher temperature of 2070 K but a smaller peak OH number density of 17 x 1015molecules/cm3. These peak values are larger than the values reported in Table 3, which are at higher position above the burner. The purpose in providing this information is to point out that the OH number density is very sensitive to temperature. To compare absolute values of OH number densities between the various experiments, it is necessary to know accurately the temperature. At high pressure the results for the stoichiometric flames qualitatively agree with the results of Refs. 5 and 6.
3. (T = 1800 K) 10.86.95
4. (T = 1900K) 18.1 11.6
5. (T = 2000 K)