1. Figure 14. Deceleration of freestream boundary flow conditions from Mach 7 to Mach 6: density contours at various times, leading to inlet unstart Aerothermodynamic Integration Model," TM X 3365, NASA, 1976.
2. 3E. H. Andrews, E. A. Mackley, W Russell, A. L. Simmonds, "An inlet analysis of for the NASA Hypersonic Research Engine Aerothermodynamic Integration Model," TM X 3038, NASA, 1974.
3. 4E.H.Andrews,etal,"HypersonicResearchEngine/Aerothermodynamic Integration Model,`Experimentalresults.Volume 1: Mach 6 Component Integration and Performance'," TM X 72821, NASA, 1976.
4. 5E.H.Andrews,etal,"HypersonicResearchEngine/Aerothermodynamic Integration Model,`Experimentalresults.Volume 4: Mach 5 Component Integration and Performance'," TM X 72824, NASA, 1976.