1. 1Sasa, S., Yoshida, H., Ohashi, K. and Miyazaki, T. "Flight Test of Ground to Stratosphere Flight Test Vehicle," Proceedingsof the 5thStratospheric PlatformsWorkshop(SPSW2005), Tokyo,Japan, February23-24, 2005, pp.123-128.
2. 2Nakadate, M. "Research and Development Activities on the Stratospheric Platform Airship in Japan Updated," 3rd IndonesiaHighAltitudePlatform System (HAPS)2002 International Conference, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, October2-3, 2002.
3. 3Nakadate, M. "Status Report on Low Altitude Stationary Flight Test Vehicle," Proceedings of the 40th Forum of Research at the Independent Administrative Organization National Aerospace Laboratory of Japan, Tokyo, Japan, November8,2002, pp.11-14(published only in Japanese).
4. 5Nakadate, M. "Design and Development of Low Altitude Stationary Flight Test Vehicle," Proceedings of the 4th Stratospheric Platforms Workshop (SPSW2003), Tokyo, Japan, February26-27,2003, pp.119-124(published only in Japanese).
5. 6Ohashi, K. "Promising Features of the Integrated SPF Tracking and Control System," Proceedings of the 5th Stratospheric Platforms Workshop (SPSW2005), Tokyo, Japan,February23-24,2005, pp.23-30(published onlyin Japanese).