1. LamarJ. E.ObaraC. J.FisherB. D.FisherD. F. “Flight, Wind-Tunnel, and Computational Fluid Dynamics Comparison for Cranked Arrow Wing (F-16XL-1) at Subsonic and Transonic Speeds,” NASA TP-2001-210629, Feb. 2001.
2. LamarJ. E. “Cranked Arrow Wing (F-16XL-1) Flight Flow Physics with CFD Predictions at Subsonic and Transonic Speeds,” Advanced Flow Management: Part A—Vortex Flows and High Angle of Attack for Military Vehicles, Research and Technology Organization RTO-MP-069(I), 2003, Paper 44.
3. F-16XL flight test program overview
4. F-16XL demonstrates new capabilities in flight test at Edwards Air Force Base
5. AndersS. G.FischerM. C. “F-16XL-2 Supersonic Laminar Flow Control Flight Test Experiment,” NASA TP-1999-209683, Dec. 1999.