This paper analyses the Polish complementiser jakoby within the framework of relevance theory. It suggests that those environments in which jakoby is licensed, namely certain indirect-speech-type constructions and clauses embedded under inherently negative predicates, such as zaprzeczyć (“to deny”) and nieprawdą jest (“it is untrue”), have in common that they can be conceived of in metarepresentational terms. Furthermore, it argues that jakoby encodes procedural meaning which restricts it principally to these types of environment. Unlike że (“that”), which can always be substituted for it, jakoby constrains the range of attitudes towards the embedded proposition that can be implied contextually, blocking interpretations on which this proposition is understood to be endorsed, while encouraging the recovery of evaluative stances such as scepticism, doubt and rejection. We show that jakoby can be selected from the point of view of the reporting voice, in which case it receives a global interpretation, or that of the matrix subject; this yields a local interpretation.
Akademia Humanistyczno-Ekonomiczna w Lodzi
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