CryoEM structures of the human CLC-2 voltage-gated chloride channel reveal a ball-and-chain gating mechanism


Xu Mengyuan1ORCID,Neelands Torben1,Powers Alexander S2345,Liu Yan6,Miller Steven D2,Pintilie Grigore D7,Bois J Du2,Dror Ron O1345ORCID,Chiu Wah67ORCID,Maduke Merritt1ORCID


1. Department of Molecular and Cellular Physiology, Stanford University

2. Department of Chemistry, Stanford University

3. Department of Computer Science, Stanford University

4. Department of Structural Biology, Stanford University

5. Institute for Computational and Mathematical Engineering, Stanford University

6. Division of CryoEM and Bioimaging, SSRL, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Stanford University

7. Department of Bioengineering and Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Stanford University


CLC-2 is a voltage-gated chloride channel that contributes to electrical excitability and ion homeostasis in many different tissues. Among the nine mammalian CLC homologs, CLC-2 is uniquely activated by hyperpolarization, rather than depolarization, of the plasma membrane. The molecular basis for the divergence in polarity of voltage gating among closely related homologs has been a long-standing mystery, in part because few CLC channel structures are available. Here, we report cryoEM structures of human CLC-2 at 2.46 – 2.76 Å, in the presence and absence of the selective inhibitor AK-42. AK-42 binds within the extracellular entryway of the Cl-permeation pathway, occupying a pocket previously proposed through computational docking studies. In the apo structure, we observed two distinct conformations involving rotation of one of the cytoplasmic C-terminal domains (CTDs). In the absence of CTD rotation, an intracellular N-terminal 15-residue hairpin peptide nestles against the TM domain to physically occlude the Cl-permeation pathway. This peptide is highly conserved among species variants of CLC-2 but is not present in other CLC homologs. Previous studies suggested that the N-terminal domain of CLC-2 influences channel properties via a “ball-and-chain” gating mechanism, but conflicting data cast doubt on such a mechanism, and thus the structure of the N-terminal domain and its interaction with the channel has been uncertain. Through electrophysiological studies of an N-terminal deletion mutant lacking the 15-residue hairpin peptide, we support a model in which the N-terminal hairpin of CLC-2 stabilizes a closed state of the channel by blocking the cytoplasmic Cl-permeation pathway.


National Institutes of Health

Wu Tsai Neurosciences Institute

Stanford Bio-X


eLife Sciences Publications, Ltd







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