1. Optimal parameters selection of noise FM jamming and its simulation
2. Interference suppression characteristics in the first sample of noise-immune equipment of the GLONASS/GPS SRS users with an adaptive antenna array [Harakteristiki podavlenija pomeh v pervom obraztse pomehozaschischennogo oborudovanija pol'zovatelej SRS GLONASS/GPS s adaptivnoj antennoj reshetkoj];yaskin;Radiotekhnika,2010
3. An iterative algorithm for estimation of linear frequency modulated signal parameters
4. Application of semi-natural modeling for testing of interference-resistant and angle-guided consumer navigation equipment [Primenenie poluestestvennogo modelirovanija dlja testirovanija pomehozaschischennogo potrebitel'skogo navigatsionnogo oborudovanija s uglovym navedeniem];kaverin;(in Russian) Meas World,2018