1. AI Research Institute, Piesat Information Technology Company, Ltd., Beijing, China
2. Key Laboratory of Intelligent Perception and Image Understanding of Ministry of Education, Xidian University, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, China
3. Aerospace Information Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
4. Geovis Technology Company Ltd., Beijing, China
5. Institute for Applied Computer Science, University of the Bundeswehr Munich, Neubiberg, Germany
6. Department of Aerospace Engineering, University of the Bundeswehr Munich, Neubiberg, Germany
7. Institute of Methodologies for Environmental Analysis, National Research Council, Tito, Italy
8. Department of Earth Observation Science, Faculty of Geo-information Science and Earth Observation (ITC), University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands
9. Department SAR Technology, German Aerospace Center (DLR), Weßling, Germany