A new challenge the Zygomycosis an invasive life-threatening disease


S. Kareppa Manjusha1,B. Savant Priti2,V. Ratnaparkhi Shachi3,S. Shaikh Sohel3,B. Kadbhane Mohini3,M. Naybal Someshwar3


1. Assistant Professor, Shri Balaji Shikshan Parsarak Mandal College of Pharmacy, Ambajogai-431517, Maharashtra India.

2. SKVPM's Sahyadri College of Pharmacy, Methwade Dist. Solapur 413307, Maharashtra India.

3. Shri Balaji Shikshan Parsarak Mandal College of Pharmacy, Ambajogai-431517 Maharashtra India.


A rare angio-invasive infection mainly recognized in immune-compromised patients is mucromycrosis which occurs due to the fungi mucorales. Now a days, treatment is important for mucromycrosis in a patient who are suffering from black fungus infection. The Mucormycosis previously called as zygomycosis. It is a serious but rare fungal infection and the most common species that cause mucromycrosis are Mucor or Rhizopus species. Mucormycosis mostly seen in immuno supressed people or who are recovered from COVID-19. Death rates range from 25-85% depending on the body area involved. It is an invasive life-threatening disease and in order to improve survival, a prompt diagnosis and multidisciplinary management should be provided along with informative matter regarding its cause, development of disease, new diagnostic tools, precaution and special focus on synthetic, herbal drugs and home remedies with the recent advance treatment methods has been covered under this article.


A and V Publications

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