Acne vulgaris is a highly prevalent inflammatory skin disease involving sebaceous follicle. Although the pathogensis of acne remains uncertain, skin microbes are considered to plays an essential role in acne vulgaris. Cutibacterium acnes is the most important microbe in acne pathogenesis and its several processes: colonization, over-proliferation and inflammation have long been thought to contribute to the disease. Moreover, Staphylococcus epidermidis and Malassezia also synergistically collaborate with Cutibacterium acnes. Besides, given the growing number of patients who are treatment resistant, assessments are needed on phenotypic changes in the skin microbiome with retinoids and antibacterial therapy. Further research on the role of microbes in the pathogenesis of acne and the relationship between pathogenic microbes is expected to provide a new theoretical basis for clinical treatment of acne.