Formation of water behavior as an element of lifestyle


Lopatin Stanislav A.,Tyts Valery V.


Water behavior is a series of simple and complex actions related to the use of water and depending on the knowledge of the norms and rules of behavior in the environment, on the ratio of motivational and emotional components in a persons life. Water behavior, participating in the formation of ecological culture, is an indicator and the most important tool for ensuring the environmental safety of the population and pharmaceutical production, which needs high quality water. It is noted that if drinking water is used in pharmaceutical production directly at individual stages or as a starting material, then regular checks of its quality at the production site are necessary. A certain optimism is brought by the measures that the leadership of Rospotrebnadzor of the Russian Federation has recently taken, aimed at improving the laboratory support of the service by equipping it with high-tech equipment to determine the safety and quality indicators of environmental elements, including water. One of the manifestations characteristic of most subjects of water behavior is the optimistic level of assessment of the state of drinking water supply sources and the quality of drinking water. The authors propose, when building the water behavior of a pharmaceutical production manager, to take into account a number of circumstances related to the chemical safety of drinking water: conducting an inventory and clarifying the list of chemicals that are in circulation on the territory of the Russian Federation and are potentially dangerous toxicants; creation of a federal database on the quality and safety of food products (water) produced and sold in the Russian Federation, including those containing priority chemical pollutants. The consideration of water behavior as an element of lifestyle allows, when modeling the water behavior of pharmaceutical production managers, to orient them towards taking measures to improve the chemical safety of the water factor by improving both water treatment and the laboratory control system.


ECO-Vector LLC


Materials Science (miscellaneous)

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