A comparative evaluation of the effectiveness of aspiration and automatic systems for percutaneous liver biopsy in experimental rats


Zhdanov K V,Saulevich A V,Karev V E,Kozlov K V,Zakharkiv Yu F,Zakharenko S M,Lyashenko Yu I,Ivanov K S,Sukachev V S,Shakhmanov D M,Popov D V,Kariakin S S,Bedarev A V,Chernenok M G,Gemst I I,Tashimov M M


The effectiveness and quality of liver biopsy in rats are applicable to the aspiration and automatic liver biopsy system. Histological examination of 240 biopsy specimens in 100% of cases identified portal tracts. The number of portal tracts to determine the stage of liver fibrosis in rats of the 1st group who underwent liver biopsy was performed using an 18 G aspirating needle from the puncture liver set (Menghini type), which is 4-5, you have the 2nd group, which one-time guillotine soft tissue biopsy with a semi-automatic action of 16G×20 cm, Italy) - 7-8 portal tracts. The average size of the biopsy in the 1st group is 0,5 cm, in the 2nd group - 1 cm. Thus, the automatic biopsy system allows you to get liver tissue in 100% of cases. At the same time, the automatic system eliminates the additional traumatization of experimental animals, as well as minimizes efforts to separate the biopsy material from the organ. In addition, the automated system for liver biopsy allows to evaluate 7-8 portal tracts with a biopsy size of 1 cm, this provides a reliable histological assessment of pathological changes in liver tissue to assess the stage of fibrosis and the activity of the inflammatory process over time.


ECO-Vector LLC

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