What do we know about osteoma cutis? Literature review. Clinical cases


Snarskaya Elena S.ORCID,Teplyuk Natalia P.ORCID,Vasileva Ksenia D.ORCID,Vertieva E. Yu.


This article summarises the data of epidemiology, etipathogenesis, a clinical picture, diagnosis and the treatment of osteoma cutis. The classification, a histological picture, the place of osteoma cutis from the point of view of the phenotype in relation to the information of the world literature are presented. Osteoma cutis is a rare benign disease characterised by the formation of the bone tissue in the dermis or subcutaneous fat. Two theories of the origin of osteoma cutis are of particular interest: the result of fibroblast metaplasia into osteoblasts or the differentiation of primitive mesenchymal cells into osteoblasts and their migration to an ectopic site. Diagnosis and differential diagnosis are based on the clinical examination, measurement of calcium, parathyroid hormone, x-ray and skin biopsy. The differential diagnosis involves many dermatoses, including ossified hair follicle, osteosarcoma, epidermoid cysts, fibromas, neurofibromas, basal cell carcinoma, etc. The approach to the treatment is to use non-invasive or invasive methods: tretinoin cream, dermabrasion and punch biopsy, YAG laser, scalpel excision, curettage and CO2 laser. We consider skin osteoma to be an underestimated dermatosis, since we have not found descriptions of such cases in reviews in the available Russian literature.


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