Improvement of the calculation of ice crossings


Tryapitsyn Yuri V.ORCID,Tryapkin Dmitry A.ORCID


Background: In winter, ice crossings open in the north of the Far Eastern region. In most cases, they are organized due to the lack of capital bridges. Ice crossings are used to deliver goods and passengers to remote settlements where the road network is poorly developed and the navigation period is limited, because to get to settlements it is necessary to cross reservoirs. Ice crossings remain the only way to connect such settlements with cities with a large population. The most reliable way to increase the load-bearing capacity is to freeze the floating bridge of the articulated circuit into the ice cover. The advantage of such crossings is low sensitivity to climatic conditions and the nature of the water flow, small rolls and sediment. Currently, these crossings are used at cross-border crossings of the Far East, but there are no calculation methods. Aim: Development of a methodology that would improve the calculation of ice crossings, taking into account the reinforcement in the form of metal pontoon structures consisting of articulated ferries on two supports. Materials and Methods: The article provides a calculation model. Design scheme: a metal structure frozen in ice lying on water is a rigid stamp on a plate lying on the elastic base of the crossing. To confirm the accepted calculation model, an experiment of a real crossing in the form of static tests was carried out. Results: The article presents the results of determining the crossing deflections according to the accepted calculation model and after the experiment. The carrying capacity of the reinforced ferry was also calculated by months. Conclusion: This study will help to carry out calculations of combined crossings for a significant increase in load-bearing capacity.


ECO-Vector LLC

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5. Structure of the floating water bridge and water in an electric field







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