Schizophrenia: a Narrative Review of Etiological and Diagnostic Issues


Oskolkova Sofia N.ORCID


BACKGROUND: Despite the fact that schizophrenia has already been described historically and researched for a long time, this disorder remains unclear and controversial in many respects, including its etiology, pathogenesis, classification, diagnosis, and therapy. METHODS: Literature from the selected sources (, Russian Science Citation Index and the Russian branch of the Cochrane Library) were searched and analyzed using the diachronic method. Priority was given to reviews, guidelines, and original research on schizophrenia written during the past 10 years. RESULTS: Historically, scientists have described schizophrenia as a single disorder, a group of disorders, or even as a combination of certain syndromes. The polymorphic symptoms and the most typical dynamics of various forms of schizophrenia have been systematized, but neither in Russia nor in other countries have the etiology and pathogenesis been proven. The reasons for the under- and overdiagnosis of schizophrenia cannot cover all possible objective and subjective difficulties arising in the diagnostic process. CONCLUSION: The existing literature shows that the problem of schizophrenia may not be regarded as settled for a long time. This largely depends on the position of society, the development of biological sciences, and the pathomorphosis of the disorder itself. Many aspects of schizophrenia can become clearer and less controversial with systematic studies based on previous data, as well as data obtained using new research methods.


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General Medicine

Reference191 articles.

1. Bleiler E. Handbook of Psychiatry. Moscow: Izdatel′stvo Nezavisimoy psikhiatricheskoy assotsiatsii; 1993. (In Russ).

2. Kraepelin E. Psychiatric. 5th ed. Moscow: Binom, Laboratoriya znanii; 2009. (In Russ).

3. Korsakov SS. General psychopathology. Moscow: Binom, Laboratoriya znanii; 2003. (In Russ).

4. Serbskii VP. On the issue of early dementia (dementia praecox). S.S. Korsakov journal of neurology and psychiatry. 1902;(1-2):33–61. (In Russ).

5. Freud S. Introductory lectures on psychoanalysis. Moscow: Eksmo; 2020. (In Russ).

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