Occupational risk factors for health disorders in dairy production (review)


Aleshina Yuliya A.ORCID,Novikova Tamara A.ORCID,Lutsevich Igor N.ORCID,Baregamyan Lilit A.ORCID


In the context of modern challenges and threats of Russian Federation food security, minimizing the occupational risk to the health of workers in the production of food products becomes more important. A descriptive review of the sources of scientific information contained in Russian and international search systems (eLIBRARY.ru, RSCI, CyberLeninka, Google Scholar, PubMed) from 2003 till 2021 was conducted. The review comprises of original articles on quantitative observational studies including the challenges faced for the study. With more than 100 sources that have been analyzed, the work highlights information from 35 publications that predominantly reflects the search problem. It has been established that working conditions in the production of dairy products are characterized by a multifactorial negative impact on workers, the main adverse factors are namely, production noise, extreme low or high air temperature, insufficient lighting, air pollution of the working area with harmful chemicals and dust, and physical overload. The impact of harmful working conditions causes an overstrain of the functional systems of the body of workers that is manifested as diminished working capacity in the dynamics of the work shift and health disorders. During periodic medical examinations, workers were diagnosed with diseases of the circulatory system, respiratory organs, nervous, musculoskeletal systems, and connective tissue, diseases of the ear and mastoid process, and pathologies of the reproductive system. The results of the review indicate the urgency for further comprehensive studies of quantitative indicators of risk factors and patterns of their impact on the health of workers, the results of which can form the basis for the development of reasonable prevention measures.


ECO-Vector LLC


General Medicine,Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health,Ecology,Health (social science)

Reference35 articles.

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